Sunday, January 22, 2012

Quesadillas, Cupcakes, Hamballs, and Mozzarella Sticks

Today was busy busy with cooking and baking. Started our day out by making bacon, egg, and cheese quesadillas. We are going to freeze one of these so that we know if it still tastes good. If it does, we will make enough for 2 weeks of breakfast at a time. With me (Nick) being in college and Mindi working in the morning we do not have a whole lot of time for breakfast.

After lunch we made some Andes Mint Cupcakes. They are AMAZING, and even relatively easy to make.

Dinner was hamballs and mozzarella sticks. The hamballs were good, although Mindi feels that they would be better with some crushed pineapple added to them. We didn't follow the recipe to the letter, but we still liked them. The mozzarella sticks were homemade with a recipe from the Deceptively Delicious cookbook. We made a double batch and figured out that next time we make a double batch we will not be doubling the cauliflower as well. They were good but had a strong flavor of cauliflower.

Recipes will be added as we make things. However, we can not post the recipes from the Deceptively Delicious book.


  1. Those Andes mint cupcakes look amazing!

  2. They are SO good! I cannot wait to make my variation of them as soon as these are gone!
